Organic school lunch

Organic school lunch
Our Menu
100% whole grain, unbleached flour and brown rice
Unprocessed and grass-fed meat. Plant based protein
Locally grown
No artificial growth hormones
Fresh, whole fruit
Our School lunch is prepared by Kurumi Yoshida, the owner of Unusual Way Kitchen . She uses all organic ingredients and everything is homemade. All the menus are free of preservatives, chemicals, colorants and any kids of additives. The lunch is freshly made in Chigasaki every morning and is delivered in warm condition with thermo-bags.
Why Healthy?
Source: Marlene B. Schwartz et. el, “New School Meal Regulations Increase Total Plate Waste.” Childhood Obesity 11, no 3 (2015)
Source: Juliana F.W. Cohen et al. “Impact of the New US Department of Agriculture School Meal Standards on Food Selection.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 46, no. 4 (2014): 388-394
Source: Michael L. Anderson & Justin Gallagher & Elizabeth Ritchie, “School Lunch Quality and Academic” NBER Working Papers 23218, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2017)
Food Education at SIS
At SIS, we believe that a school plays an important role in helping students establish healthy eating behaviors. Nutrition education is incorporated throughout the school day and in various locations.
From Kindergarten to middle school, the students all participate in environmental education. Our curriculum explores the essential question of ” What is food” and “What is our responsibility of food consumption”
With the help of food experts in our local community, we increase our knowledge and awareness of food through interactive workshops
Shonan is a vibrant farming community. Every Thursday, we sell locally grown organic vegetables at our own SIS Veggie stand! During harvest season, we also sell the vegetables that were grown by our students.
By having students actually produce food, they increase their nutrition knowledge, willingness to try fruit and vegetables and positive attitudes about food. Here is the food type our students produce :
・Kindy: Vegetables & Fruits
・Grade School: Mochi Rice
・Middle School: Free range organic chickens
School lunch is like a learning lab where students are exposed to new food, see what balanced meals looks like and may be encouraged to try new foods!
Please feel to contact us.