

At Shonan International School, all of our programs are based on the belief that children are active participants in their learning. We believe in a child-centered approach to learning that encourages children to take learning into their own hands as opposed to being directed or prompted by teachers. Through collaboration, shared experiences, and in-depth exploration of unique themes, children can develop a rich understanding about the world.


We adopt the whole-child approach and holistically work on developing their SPICE (social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional)

  • SOCIAL: Form new friendships, work in teams
  • INTELLECTUAL: Discover about the brain, learn mindfulness
  • PHYSICAL: Outdoor activities, genre-play
  • CREATIVE-INTUITIVE: Creative arts, mindfulness games
  • EMOTIONAL: Mindfulness activities


Team build

At Shonan International School, parents and teachers work together in the process of maintaining a healthy sociaql and emotional environment. Therfore, it is crucial for parents to implement positive parenting strategies while teachers utilize similar behavioral strategies at school.

Under the guidance of our Social and Emotional Coordinator, teachers and parents take part in effective workshops to understand effective strategies that adhere to the child’s current emotional and social development.

We believe that for a child to maintain a healthy personality, the child will need to master specific tasks according to his/her developmental stages.

SIS provides compulsory workshops for parents and teachers. These workshops are to learn about the social and emotional development of each child. During these workshops, we discuss how we, as adults can implement the same strategies to help support the children’s social and emotional well-being.

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There are many models of bilingual programs that have specific objectives and the characteristics of the student body. At Shonan International School, we utilize a Two Way Dual-Language Approach to a second language instruction. This means that English and Japanese are the vehicles which all content is delivered.

Our goals in Bilingual Education

  • Students to be social, culturally and linguistically adaptable in a global setting
  • Students to achieve competence in their first and second language (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
  • Students are able to apply higher thinking skills in both Japanese and English
  • Students to acquire the same English Language skills as students attending English only schools
  • To gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the Japanese culture
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In a child-centered kindergarten, we put an emphasis on:

  • Learning at their own speed
  • Children’s natural curiosity is part of the curriculum
  • Children work closely with their teacher to forge a path of learning.
  • Learning with emphasis on concept rather than knowledge (Thematic Units)
  • Holistically develop competence in thier SPICE (Social, Physical, Intellectual, Creative, Emotional)
  • Nurture attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary to becoming lifelong learners
  • Learning through play
  • Work collaboratively with others




  • Social &
  • Themeテーマ授業とは、子どもたちの身近にある社会の仕組みについて学ぶ時間です。テーマ授業を通じて、自分自身の考えだけでなく、仲間の考えの違いを学ぶことができ、テーマについて発展的に学ぶために必要な科目(例:算数、理科、社会、国語、音楽など)が取り入れられています。
  • Farm &
  • Play楽しいだけでは終わらないあそびの意味。あそびは、子どもの心身の発達に欠かせません。子どもがあそびを通じて、楽しそうに友達と行動したり、できなかったことができるようになるだけで、私たちは嬉しい気持ちになるのではないでしょうか。子どもは何気なくあそんでいるように見えても、生まれた時から、あそびを通じて自分のやり方を認知し、どこまでが許される範囲なのか試したり、自分がどこまでできるのか行動してみたりすることで、社会の中の自分の居場所を探します。そして、脳の構造は、まさしくのそのあそびを通して作られていくと研究されています。大人になったときの生き方にさえ影響し、柔軟な思考と可能性をも引き出します。SISでのあそびは、Guided Play= 学習目的があったあそびの紹介と、Free Play= 自由遊びを柔軟に取り入れ、子供たちの意欲と好奇心を育てています。
  • Yoga体の健康だけでなく、感情性を整理している段階の子供たちにヨガの学習を通じて、内省できる力を備えられる時間を作ります。
  • Language2歳から就学前の子供たちの言語に対する意識は、まず言葉や表現することへの「安心感」をつくることから始まります。人や場所、物事への信頼が高まれば、自己表現を自ら選択して発します。その中で、Kindergartenで大切なことは、「英語」と「日本語」のツールに対する意識を育てることにあります。そのため、二つの言語に対する要素を基本に置いています。
    • Social Language =日常会話などの意味します。
    • Academic Language =学術的に習得する言語のことで、英語や日本語の中で学習する際に必要とされる教科の中で学術的に学ぶ言葉を意味します。例えば、文法や算数の専門用語など
  • PE従来の体育授業とは異なり、子供の身体的能力を引き延ばすための基礎体力づくりに重点を置いています。体育というと、体操、走る、水泳などがありますが、基本的な体の動きを知らなければ、怪我をしてしまったり、体を動かすことに対する意識が「できる」「できない」という二極化のとらえ方や先入観をもってしまう場合があります。専門的なスポーツを習得する前に、自己の身体的な動きを認知し、思い描いた動きを体だけでなくメンタルの側面からもフォーカスをおく授業が行われます。


Schedule & yearly events


Organic School Lunch


Quick facts

Age 2~6 years old
Lunch service Pre-order lunch from Unusual Way Kitchen at additional cost.
School Days Monday ~ Friday
Time 9:00-15:00
Extended Child Care 15:00-19:00
Morning Child Care 7:30-9:00
Language Focus English & Japanese
Pick up Support We provide morning pick up and afternoon drop off at Fujisawa and Tsujido station.
Special Needs SIS does not have all the facilities necessary to support students with special educational needs. However, we are able to accept students with special needs that are within our limits and we will do our best to assist the student.
Subsidy System SIS has been licensed officially since 2002. Parents living in Fujisawa, Chigasaki, Kamakura, Samukawa-cho, Ayase-shi, Hayama are officially subsidized by each Board of Education
Fees Please contact the school office for detailed information.
Seasonal Program Summer Camp, Summer School
Admission requirements Kindergarten students do not have any specific admission requirements. However, parents are asked to participate in our monthly parental workshops. These workshops are primarily to explain our schools’ philosophy and methodology, as the children will benefit if all understand the program.
Clubs Movie club, Dance/Yoga club, Ukulele Club, Soccer Club
Events Ocean Camp, Kidz Biz, Winter party, Orientation, Presentation, Made in Japan Week, Student-led Conference, Bean Throwing, Tanabata, etc.



保育園/幼稚園/小学校 在籍
職員数 入学金 授業料
Shonan International School Kindergarten 30 10 200,000〜 1,090,000〜 無償化対象施設
Shonan International School Grade School 30 10 200,000〜 1,065,000〜※学年によって異なります
S International School(TOKYO) 150 300,000 1,750,000 PYP
A International School(TOKYO) 80 64,800 1,296,000
K International School Tokyo(TOKYO) 630 300,000 2,202,000 PYP, MYP, DP
Y International School(TOKYO) 120 175,000 1,892,000
C International School Tokyo(TOKYO) 267 150,000 1,600,000
U School of Tokyo(TOKYO) 200 225,000 1,210,000
K Elementary and Middle School(TOKYO) 92 200,000 1,990,000