Building the foundations of Global Citizenship
We believe that home is the foundation where learning takes place, and that education should be a cooperative effort with the school and parents. gCafe introduces play and learning customized and appropriate to each child’s development.
The goal of Parenting class is to aid the growth and development of globally minded citizens. Home and school work collaboratively to achieve this goal. Parents and children, from pregnancy through two years of age, participate together and learn as a team to build the foundations of a globally minded citizen.
未来の人材を育てているのは「家庭」であり、従来の「預ける教育」から「共創する教育」が次世代を支えていく基盤となると私たちは考えています。同じ子どもであってもそれぞれ生まれもったユニークさを持ち合わせています。そのため、Parenting Schoolでは子どもの発達に合わせて カスタマイズされたあそび、学びがたくさんあります。
Children learn to self express through activities using their bodies. A child’s individuality develops according to the adult interation they receive.
A child’s self esteem develops through interaction about their actions and thoughts. A child with high self esteem has the confidence to make choices and interact with their environment. We introduce language aimed to build self esteem.
Language is a tool we use to deliver our thoughts to others, comprehend the thoughts of others, and share ideas. Teachers using English, and parents using English or Japanese, will use these two different tools with different sounds will build the foundations of bilingualism in their children.
An object may be used in multiple ways. Through introducing open ended play, we help develop all five senses of children.
A child’s emotional well-being impacts their interpersonal relationships for years to come. Through learning how children grow and develop emotionally, parents collaborate with teachers to build an enrvironment for the child in which they feel safe.
Attending class together allows children to learn from their peers. Interacting with each other allows for further development of expression and ways to play.
Coming soon…
Day | Wednesday (follows school calendar) |
Time | 10:00~11:00 |
For | Pregnancy through 2 years of age (with parents) |
Child Care | available from 1.5 years and above |
Admission Fee | 30,000 yen |
Tuition | 5,000 yen per session |
Events | see School Calendar |
Pick-up support | may be available from Fujisawa or Tsujido |
Gaiety established Chigasaki Our Kids Club , a bilingual educational club, and held numerous positions, including Assistant Teacher in International Schools, Educational Planning Coordinator in Chigasaki School Board, Consultant for Teaching Strategies in Foreign Language for Fujisawa School Board. She established Shonan International School in 1996, where she conducted workshops on International Principles in Early Childhood Education, created and conducted educational professional development workshops, and developed and conducted Positive Parenting Workshops. In 2010, she supported the establishment of ABS AlC Bilingual School and became a Business Consultant for Companies through Philosophy of GO-GLOBAL. In 2011, she published a book called “0歳からのハッピー子育て” ( ALC ) which is targeted at new parents with regards to effective strategies on raising infants.
保育園/幼稚園/小学校 | 在籍 生徒数 |
職員数 | 入学金 | 授業料 (年間) |
情操教育の有無 (SEL) |
アカデミカルナ 学習の有無 |
親の 勉強機会 |
補助 |
Shonan International School Kindergarten | 30 | 10 | 200,000〜 | 1,090,000〜 | ◎ | ◎ | ◎ | 無償化対象施設 その他認可街保育施設に関わる補助金を受けられます |
Shonan International School Grade School | 30 | 10 | 200,000〜 | 1,065,000〜※学年によって異なります | – | – | – | – |
S International School(TOKYO) | 150 | – | 300,000 | 1,750,000 | ◯ | ◎ | ◎ | PYP |
A International School(TOKYO) | 80 | – | 64,800 | 1,296,000 | – | – | – | – |
K International School Tokyo(TOKYO) | 630 | – | 300,000 | 2,202,000 | ◯ | ◎ | ◎ | PYP, MYP, DP |
Y International School(TOKYO) | 120 | – | 175,000 | 1,892,000 | – | – | – | – |
C International School Tokyo(TOKYO) | 267 | – | 150,000 | 1,600,000 | – | – | – | – |
U School of Tokyo(TOKYO) | 200 | – | 225,000 | 1,210,000 | – | – | – | – |
K Elementary and Middle School(TOKYO) | 92 | – | 200,000 | 1,990,000 | – | – | – | – |
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Celebrating another successful 0-2 Years Parenting Session ! Next Session Join Un on September 7th 2 […]
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湘南インターナショナルスクールでは、2歳からのプログラムにおけるPlayful Learning(遊びを通して、想像的、探究的、能動的な動機づけを狙うカリキュラム)を0-2歳向けに月1回の教室を開催し […]
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SISでは0-2歳クラスを2024年4月から月1回のカリキュラムとして再開いたします。 グローバル人材の土台作りを始める 未来の人材を育てているのは「家庭」であり、従来の「預ける教育」から「共創する教 […]
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